
 some of the big hotels in Khartoum

Hotel name                         title                                                      class
Coral                                Nile Street                                             5 stars
Alaqrand Holiday Inn     Nile Street                                             5 stars
Salam Rotana                   Airport Road                                        5 stars
Corinthia (light tower)     Nile Street                                            5 stars
Regency hotel                  Road Mr. Abdul Rahman Street          5 stars
Bahrain Hotel                 Road  Mr. Abdul Rahman Street          5 stars

Rosa Parks                    in the Arab market                                  5 stars
kanon hotel

corinthia hotel


Welcome to Khartoum 
what Khartoum?
Khartoum city
Khartoum is the capital of Sudan and the capital Khartoum state, located at the confluence of the White Nile Blue Nile point together to form the Nile River. It is the center of government in Sudan, where there is the seat of the President and the government, and the presidency of the various central ministries and the leadership of the Sudanese armed forces and foreign diplomatic missions of embassies and consulates, and the headquarters of some Arab and African regional organizations and most of the political institutions of the state. And is the heart of Africa for the airlines, for the passage of airlines that go north of the continent towards the south and those that pass through the west and east of the continent.
The language used.

The main official language is Arabic in addition to English language, many people speak English fluently, especially tourists and there is evidence or leaders.

NILE street

Nilo Tourism: Great River
The diversity of climate and breadth of the Sudanese territory has allowed the country's wealth of wild animals and birds, as God has given the diversity and excellence in the geographical manifestations of the most important of the various branches of the Nile River. Nile, over periods of history cause for hope as a natural phenomenon has gained mythical dimension in peoples' thinking, as many saw as a river of rivers of Paradise also deal with other deity give him offerings are held around the rituals and prayers at times.


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fun with Nile cruises
National Museum of Sudan
Sudan National Museum in Khartoum, Sudan. Sudan is one of the largest museums located on the Nile Street neighborhood built Friendship Hall, where the main entrance is flying him to the Blue Nile, before the confluence directly. Jerry processing for the opening of this building since the sixties has been the opening of the museum in 1971 and contains all periods Sudanese civilization from the Stone Ages until the Islamic period, through the Nubian antiquities                                                                                                          

National Museum address

Sudanese pyramids
Just over 200 kilometers from the Sudanese capital Khartoum there is an ancient city residue on the barren land between the sand dunes isolated, there are perfectly situated Sudanese pyramids forgotten "Marwa" which is considered a treasure archaeological absent from sight and away from the attention is not available around any hotels or facilities or restaurants to meet tourist needs, it has presented "Al Jazeera" images of the Sudanese pyramids share them with you in this matter .                     
 Relics of Ancient kingdoms:
Old civilizations in Sudan date back to the year 3000 BC when several kingdoms were founded, the mightiest of which was Napata kingdom during the eight century BC. It was followed by Merowe Kingdom, which faded in 350 AD. Then came the Nubian Christian states in the sixth century AD along with the Islamic Kingdoms: the Black Sultanate (1505-1821), Fur Sultanate, Tagali Kingdom and the Mahdist state (1885-1898). Relics of these kingdoms and states exist until today.
The first pyramid was built in the city of Meroe north of Khartoum after nearly 800 years of building another Egyptian pyramid, which is made of huge blocks of sandstone.

Sudan pyamids

Sudanese pyramids

Sudanese pyramids
 Dinder National Park
Dinder National Park or National Dindir protected nature reserve on the border between Sudan and Ethiopia. Unique to many wild animals and birds, which like other reserves are saving this national wealth. Named protected proportion of the city Dindir.  Located on the Sudan-Ethiopian border between latitude 12 ° 26 'N and 12 ° 42' N and longitude 34 ° 48 'E, 35 ° 02' E. Dindir been declared a protected national reserve in early 1935. The estimated area of about 10,292 square kilometers and lies protected from Khartoum 300-square-mile distance. Tracking the state of Sennar and being the rivers Rahad and Dinder two Mosmean (in the period from July to November).
dinder national park 

Animals that available in dinder park
African buffalo, rhinos, elephants. Antelope reeds and Alepeshmat and waterbuck. Ketmbur, giraffes, Altil Alnlt, black and hyenas. Tigers. Ahalov. Abu Shouk, Cat Abu feathers monkeys, deer and other small animals As for the birds, the Sudan with more than 983 species of birds of the most important species that exist Protectorate Dindir: Chicken Valley, woodpeckers, white pelicans, Obusan Striated rohu fetch, ostrich and others.

The language used in the park
Tourists and foreigners who want to leave the cities and the machine and put up hotels to search for the pristine nature of the wealthy, the garden Or Dindir shielded Sudan be appropriate destination, and protected Dindir of the largest reserves Biodiversity in Africa north of the equator and closest to the Arab map, which is the most important Tourist attractions, with its potential in tourism and natural language used in the reserve is Arabic and English, and there are no any problems faced by visitors.

Red sea

The Red Sea
   The advantage of the Red Sea, the purity of its water and transparency, a more natural attractive areas in Sudan and currently attracts a large part of the tourists who come to the country, especially the sea lovers and scuba diving and other water sports and became an excellent reputation in the world, where he is one of the cleanest seas of the world did not extend to him traces pollution and husbanding coral reefs also has the Snguenib Island is the only island full rotation and rich aquatic organisms.

Red Sea is a long aquarium. The length of the Sudanese coast, 750 kilometers including meandering and has a maximum width of the Red Sea 306 kilometers. The depth is characterized by three belts: the first is the belt shallow people who do not exceed a depth of 50 meters. Second is the people's deep belt, which ranges in depth between 500- 1000 meters. Third Searwalzy depths of over 1,000 meters. Up over the Red Sea deeper points to about 3040 meters. Red Sea is characterized by a number of unique characteristics that make it one of the most important diving and water sports areas in the world for high transparency of the vision that say that are available in other seas.
Coral reefs

coral reef
coral reef

Sudanese food

Sudanese Food
A culture of a civilization is based upon its accumulating heritage. The dietary habits of people show an aspect of this civilization's culture. Sudanese cuisine is as diverse as its geography and cultures. Central Sudan, is perhaps the region that is the most diversified and colorful in its cuisine and dietary habits. This is due to its being a melting pot for the different Sudanese cultures and peoples, and to its exposure to external influences, like the effect of the British domination during the Condominium period. food Societies always start with simple, unsophisticated types of food and gradually with their growth and development, they begin to improvise and discover more tasteful and sophisticated dishes, each depending on the types of new animal and agricultural discoveries.  After having established their basic cuisine, they tend to the development of complementary foods e.g. appetizers, desert and other foods, which allows for the emergence of a distinct cuisine.
It is of importance to note that the main staple of the Sudanese is a special type of bread called Kissra, which is made of durra or corn, Kissra is taken together with a stew and this has become the main dish in central and Sudan in general. The main components of which these stews are made are dried meat, dried onions, spices and peanut butter. Other substances could be added like milk and yoghurt. These are used in preparing two well- known stews; Ni'aimiya and dried ocra is used in preparing other stews like Waika, Bussaara and Sabaroag. Miris is a stew that is made from sheep's fat, onions and dried okra. Other vegetables like potatoes, eggplants and others are used in preparing their stews meat, onions and spices.
These stews are accompanied with porridge (Asseeda), which is made with wheat flour or corn. Other times Kissra is used. As for the popular appetizers in Sudan, there is (Elmaraara) and (Umfitit) that are made of parts of sheep like the lungs, liver and stomach. To these are added onions, peanut butter and salt, it is eaten raw.  Also other types of porridges are popular in Sudan which are made of wheat, Dhukhun and dates. They are taken together with milk, sugar and margarine. Soups are an important component of the Sudanese food, the most popular are Kawari', which is made of cattle's or sheep's hoofs in addition to vegetables and spices. Also there is Elmussalammiya, which is made with liver, flour, dates and spices.
In Ramadan (The Muslims' fasting month), one of their favorite drinks is the Hilumur which is made from corn flour and spices. Also there are Aabrai Abiyad and Nashaa, which are made of corn flour also.

Food and drink
Sudanese people are very hospitable. Meals are eaten around a large, communal tray on which various meat, vegetable, salad, and sauce dishes are placed. These are eaten with the right hand, using flat bread or a stiff millet porridge known as asida or kisra. The strong Sudanese coffee is served from a special tin ‘jug’ with a long spout, known as a jebena. The coffee is sweet and often spiced with ginger or cinnamon, and is drunk from tiny cups or glasses. Fruit teas and herbal teas such as kakaday (hibiscus tea) are also popular.  Most people seem to have a very sweet tooth, piling several teaspoons of sugar into their cups of tea, and enjoying sugary desserts. Peanuts, known as Ful-Sudani, are a popular snack, and can be made into delicious macaroons.

Culture in Sudan

Sudanese culture melds the behaviors, practices, and beliefs of about 578 ethnic groups, communicating in 145 different languages, in a region microcosmic of Africa, with geographic extremes varying from sandy desert to tropical forest. Recent evidence suggests that while most citizens of the country identify strongly with both Sudan and their religion, Arab and African supranational identities are much more polarising and contested.
effect  tribal culture heavily on the majority of the people of Sudan, the world and interferes Alaqbila in most everyday social and marriage practices, so that the initial tribal background in these social habits. Azedallahtmam matters relating to customs, the tribal in rural community , as the customs and traditions largely consistent between the northern Sudanese tribes Home: Nubia "Hlvaoyen and sensors and Scott Dnaqlh" and Ahaiqih and Aldjalah and Alchukrah and residents of central Sudan, although the Nuba are not Arabs at the base, due to the mixing of which was between these tribes over the centuries

Sudan's most important traditions
Famous Sudanese tribes of the various nature preservation and public religiosity, which connects the individual and society. Sudanese culture  and traditions and religious occasions such as Ramadan and Eid al-Adha linked to the Eid al-Fitr and also social special events such as marriages and funerals.
Sudanese Arabic is the most widely spoken language in the country. It is the variety of Arabic, an Afroasiatic language of the Semitic branch spoken throughout Sudan. The dialect has borrowed much vocabulary from local Nilo-Saharan languages (Nobiin, Fur, Zaghawa, Mabang). This has resulted in a variety of Arabic that is unique to Sudan, reflecting the way in which the country has been influenced by Nilotic, Arab, and western cultures. Few nomads in Sudan still have similar accents to the ones in Saudi Arabia. Other important languages include Beja (aka Bedawi) along the Red Sea, with perhaps 2 million speakers. It is the only language from the Afroasiatic family's Cushitic branch that is today spoken in the territory. As with South Sudan, a number of Nilo-Saharan languages are also spoken in Sudan. Fur speakers inhabit the west (Darfur), with perhaps a million speakers. There are likewise various Nubian languages, with over 6 million speakers along the Nile in the north. The most linguistically diverse region in the country is the Nuba Hills area in Kordofan, inhabited by speakers of multiple language families, with Darfur and other border .

Sudan has a rich and unique musical culture that has been through chronic instability and repression during the modern history of Sudan. Beginning with the imposition of strict Salafi interpretation of sharia law in 1989, many of the country's most prominent poets, like Mahjoub Sharif, were imprisoned while others, like Mohammed el Amin (returned to Sudan in the mid-1990s) and Mohammed Wardi (returned to Sudan 2003), fled to Cairo. Traditional music suffered too, with traditional Zār ceremonies being interrupted and drums confiscated . At the same time European militaries contributed to the development of Sudanese music by introducing new instruments and styles; military bands, especially the Scottish bagpipes, were renowned, and set traditional music to military march music. The march March Shulkawi No 1, is an example, set to the sounds of the Shilluk.

The most popular sports in Sudan are athletics (track and field) and football. Though not as successful as football, handball, basketball, and volleyball are also popular in Sudan.

Sudanese football has a long history. Sudan was one of the four African nations – the others being Egypt, Ethiopia and South Africa – which formed African football. Sudan hosted the first African Cup of Nations in 1956, and has won the African Cup Of Nations once, in 1970. Two years later, the Sudan National Football Team participated in the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich. The nation's capital is home to the Khartoum League, which is considered to be the oldest football league in Africa. Sudanese football teams such as Al-Hilal and El-Merreikh are among the nation's strongest teams. Other teams like Khartoum, El-Neel, Al-Nidal El-Nahud and Hay-Al Arab, are also starting to grow in popularity.
elmarikh team 
alhilal team

National team
Most individual Sudanese wear either traditional or western attire. A traditional garb widely worn in Sudan is the jalabiya, which is a loose-fitting, long-sleeved, collarless ankle-length garment also common to Egypt. The jalabiya is accompanied by a large scarf worn by women, and the garment may be white, colored, striped, and made of fabric varying in thickness, depending on the season of the year and personal preferences.

A similar garment common to Sudan is the thobe or thawb. Like the jalabiya, the thawb is a long, tunic-like garment, although it may have a collar, be less loose-fitting, or have shorter sleeves or length than the jalabiya. The word "thawb" means "garment" in Arabic, and the thawb itself is the traditional Arab dress for men, although the word may also refer to similar tunic-like garments worn by women.
Introduction about Sudan

Introduction about Sudan

My blog tells about several places in Sudan , that I’ve  already gone there befor, so I could share my experience to people who read them. My tagline is explore your imagination that reflects my blog. Sudan is a major link between the Arab world and among the nations of the continent africa , and has bypass with ten countries: Egypt, Libya, Chad, Central Africa, Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea's borders and communicates with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the Red Sea. It’s related to my stories because visitors must imagine as if they’re in that places. Some places that I explain in my blog are khartoum, Port sudan, Dongola , and province south kordofan. For example, in khartoum , the visitors can go to Nile street, and beach . In the city Port Sudan to visit the Red sea Islands. Tourists can go to city of Dongola there nubian pyramids As well as the merowe Dam. Then  in the province South kordofan you  visit Nuba mountains and enjoy hunting trips , there ,you can talk in English everyday and everywhere with your friends without being uncomfortable. It looks like you visit a country that you must use English to talk with.   

Besides, there is a destination for cultural tourism, which finds the aims of the Sudan temples and monuments, museums, nations and civilizations that arose and Sudan witnessed the history of civilizations, such as the Pharaonic, Coptic, Islamic and evidence. The major purposes of the Sudanese tourism Sudanese man who knows himself  honoring guests and good decipara and its course. Sudan has an enormous potential for tourism. It could very easily become one of the world’s top destinations for people who appreciate ancient Relics and folklores that constitute the very cradle of civilization. Whether it be archaeological finds, the surpassing natural scenery, arts or rich folklore, Sudan is undoubtedly amongst the leaders in the world.

Environment and Tourism In Sudan
Sudan enjoys various tourist resources due to the availability of enormous natural capabilities. It is regarded as one of the richest African countries in wildlife, birds and Nile natural scenery which encourages tourism investment. The climate in Sudan is characterized by varied climatic conditions which are moderate all the year round in the Red Sea area especially in the highlands such as Erkwiet Summer Resort.
The special concern being attached to the promotion of tourism in Sudan is necessitated by many factors represented in the necessity of activating domestic internal tourism, notably among the youths to familiarize with their country. Tourism activity also makes youths realize the power of Almighty Allah, thus deepening their faith in Him. It as well inculcates them with love for their country and is further considered an important economic resource as it brings foreign currency to the country. Tourism also promotes acquaintance and friendly relations with other people who are attracted to our country by its vast tourist resources.
In this way, tourism plays two key roles. First it boosts Sudan's good image to the outside world, reflecting the good nature of its people, its civilization, its popular heritage and its arts. Secondly, it contributes to the boosting of popular diplomacy of the country.
Sudan witnessed many successive civilizations such as those of Meroe and Kouh. The antiquities of those civilizations are still seen in many areas of the Northern State, Shendi area, Al-Bejrawia, Al-Naqa', Al-Musawarat, Merawie, karima, Al-Berkal Mountain and others. These tourist resources can generate a great revenue of foreign currency for the country if they are utilized and promoted in the best way in the international tourism markets.
Such being the case, the promotion of these resources gives Sudanese citizens the opportunity to spend their vacations inside the country, a matter which reduces the negative effects resulting from traveling abroad for tourist purposes.
Tourism activity started in Sudan since the dawn of independence with the country's meager resources being carefully and honestly directed to reflect Sudan's splendid tourist image to the outside world. The state, represented in the General Administration of Wildlife, embarked on the establishment of many game parks and reserves so that wild animals are well protected, bearing in mind that they are a national wealth to be treasured and passed on to the coming generations (game reserves of Nemolie, Booma, Al-Zaraf in the Southern States).
Antiquities Sites and Natural Areas:
Sudan is considered one of the few countries which enjoy a variety of tourism resources. These resources are represented in the Red Sea Coast which extends for more than 700 kilometers and is characterized by many tourist attractions, including diving and under-water photography, besides boat-rowing and water skiing. The Red Sea Coast enjoys many gulfs and coral reefs as the area is free from contamination which plagues many seas and tourist areas in the world.
Sudan also enjoys an ancient heritage in the field of civilizations and antiquities representing a great attraction for tourists both from within and outside the country.
This heritage is centered in the Northern areas including Al-Nag'a Al-Musawarat, Karima, Al-Berkal, Merowie, Dongola and others. These areas and others saw ancient civilizations proved by the remains of the pyramids and temples, with a great part of them still lying unearthed. These areas attract many experts and researchers in this field. In addition, they are considered archaeological sites not experiencing any tourist leap before despite the availability of huge resources in them.
Central areas in Sudan including Sennar and Sinja contain antiquities of Al-Funj Kingdom (The Black Sultanate). The antiquities of this area bear testimony to the long and authentic history of the kingdom. There are many antiquities of the Mahdi State in east and west of Sudan and in the National Capital. These antiquities which reflect the glory and history of the Sudanese people, beside the existence of many other antiquities in other areas deserve concern to attract tourists from abroad to get acquainted with the history of the country.
In East Sudan, at Sawakin area, on the Red Sea, there are great antiquities indicating the existence of a historically great period of Sudan's history. Sawakin island, for example, is considered one of the areas which witnessed urban development and unique styles of architecture. It is now regarded as one of the world's few areas in this field. There are many tourists interested in this aspect of history and who can be attracted to these sites.
The state also set up Al-Dinder National Tourist Park for wildlife in the central state in 1935. This park is considered one of the greatest game reserves in Africa. It occupies a unique position north of the equator on an area of 2,470 square miles.
In 1990, the Government announced the establishment of Sanganieb national marine reserve on an area of about 12 square kilometers as a first Sudanese sea reserve at the Red Sea area. The government also set up Arous Tourist Village at the Red Sea area and villages of Jemieza in the Equatorial State. Areas of games are represented in the Red Sea Hills and birds hunting at Kindy Lake in Darfur state after it had been protected against poaching.

There are also game areas in South Sudan, Al-Dari Mountain, Al-Fuweir area, Al-Rugia Al-Zargha area, Talha Al-Misairi and Foanghar Mountain in Kordofan State.
Jebel Marra                              
Jebel Marra lies in western Sudan, one of the most distinct places in Darfur region. It stretches for several hundred miles from the small town of Kas in the South up to the outskirts of Al Fasher in the North, covering an area of almost 12800 square kilometers. Jabal Marra is 10,000 ft above sea level, the second highest in the country. It consists of a range of mountains 240 km long and 80 km wide, with waterfalls, volcanic lakes in an outstanding scenic beauty. The climate of the mountain is mild and of Mediterranean nature, where it rains almost the whole year round and that allows for the growth of abundant vegetation of citrus, apples and clusters of dense forest trees. Jebel Marra’s heavy rainfall and numerous gorges supply vast arable lands with a continuous flow of water turning it into ideal soil for the cultivation of sorghum, millet, vegetables and a wide variety of orchard trees.